We collect hard-to-recycle items that can’t go in your curbside bins

These include glass bottles and jars, plastic packaging materials, bags, film and used household batteries


PLASTIC PACKAGING MATERIALS: The plastic items include clean and stretchy thin HDPE (#2) and LDPE (#4) plastics. Please remove any food residue and make sure they are dry. The main categories of these types of plastic are: Grocery and shopping bags, produce bags, bubble wrap, packaging pillows, shrink wraps for bulk water bottles and paper rolls, bread and newspaper bags, ziplocks, ice bags, cereal liners, electronic equipment wrappers.


GLASS BOTTLES AND JARS: We collect all types of empty glass bottles and jars. For safety reasons, please make sure there are no broken pieces of glass or shards


USED HOUSEHOLD BATTERIES: We collect single use and rechargeable spent batteries. Please collect your old batteries in a clean plastic bag (which we’ll of course recycle).