1. What kind of plastic packaging, glass and batteries do we collect?
The main types of plastic materials are grocery bags, bread loaf bags, produce bags, bubble wrap, bulk water bottle, paper towel and toilet paper case wrap, air pillows, newspaper sleeves, plastic shipping envelopes (include Prime shipping), ice bags, cereal liners, wood pellet bags and plastic shopping bags. All plastic must be clean, dry and free of any food residue. We collect unbroken glass bottles, jars and cups. We also collect spent single use or rechargeable household batteries.
2. How do we collect these items?
Please store all glass items in a sturdy cardboard box, batteries in a clean plastic bag and all plastic packaging in a larger plastic bag. Place them by the curb on your pick up day.
3. How often do we pick up your hard-to-recycle items?
We collect once a month generally over a weekend. You’ll be assigned your day once you sign up. You’ll be sent a reminder email a few days before your pick up date and a text message the morning of collection.
4. Do you have to pay for this service?
No. This is a community service initiative started by a local high school student and it’s free for anyone that signs up. As we scale up, we may charge a nominal fee for operational costs in the future.
5. What kinds of materials don’t we collect?
Please don’t include any broken pieces of glass. The following types of packaging materials is also not recyclable at the facility: any firm plastic containers, chip bags, granola wrappers, squeezable food containers, metallic bubble wrap, bags with silver inside, blister packs (like for toys, razors etc), packaged food bags and woven plastic sacks. We do not collect specialized batteries for cellphones, cars or other devices.
6. Does Green Bridge 412 get paid by Fox Chapel Borough and Giant Eagle?
No. This is a self-funded program started by a local high school student to help build a more sustainable community that’s committed to zero waste.
7. Is this program offered in other neighborhoods?
For now, Green Bridge 412 only operates in Fox Chapel. But it has plans to expand its services in other neighborhoods in the Pittsburgh area.